J. O. Y. Ministry is Just for Older Youth, otherwise known as senior adults of retirement age. J. O. Y. exists for the purpose of fellowship, outreach, prayer, and acts of service among retired persons. There is no age requirement - our oldest attendee is in their 80’s, and the youngest attendee is in their 50’s!!!
J. O. Y. Ministry meets on the second Monday of each month for lunch and fellowship. Special guests and topics of discussion have included: Maggie Society, music groups, safety instructions from our local law enforcement, tax information, an attorney about wills, and MORE! Also, you never know when a good game of Bible trivia may arise!
By gathering and forming deep relational bonds with each other, we have supported members through tough times and prayer for each other is ongoing. We strive to be multigenerational in our Church family @ RRBC and in the Wilson community. Ongoing service projects include reaching out and connecting with our older members who have trouble getting out of the house or have social anxiety. We support RRBC’s Snack-Pack Ministry through donations, and support Residential Services of Wilson through providing food for Veterans and providing Bibles for prisons.
J. O. Y. Ministry will occasionally organize trips to the Rudy Theater, the Raleigh Farmer’s Market, and to the Sylvan Bird Park. Overall, we have lots of fun together!!
Potluck Lunch & Fellowship
Bring 1 of the 4s to share - Soup, Sandwich, Sides, & Sweets