Spiritual formation leads to missional living. Missional lifestyles change the world through missions, evangelism, and volunteering. God has specific plans for you. Use your talents, gifts, and abilities to change the world by being more involved in the community.


Annie Armstrong - NAMB

Your prayers and gifts to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering provide support for thousands of missionaries. These men and women are planting new churches in unreached communities and meeting needs through compassion ministries. Every day, lives are being impacted and transformed.

International Partnerships

Amazing Grace Church in Honduras

Somos una nueva iglesia en asociación con Sparrow Missions y Raleigh Road Baptist Church. Existimos para exaltar a Jesucristo, compartir su amor y hacer discípulos que lo sigan fielmente.

We are a church plant in partnership with Sparrow Missions and Raleigh Road Baptist Church. We exist to exalt Jesus Christ, share his love and make disciples who faithfully follow him.


Local Partnerships



The center has a need for volunteers in many areas:

Client Advocates | Front Desk Help | Hope Program Instructors | Nurse/Ultrasound Technicians | Baby Boutique Organizers | Special Event Volunteers | Church Liaisons | Prayer Intercessors | Baby Shower Hosts/Donation Party Hosts | Male Volunteers | Lawn Maintenance Volunteers | Spanish Speaking Client Advocates and Class Instructors | Technology Volunteers

Volunteering @ the S.P.O.T.

Check out how you can help out at the S.P.O.T. this school year 2024-2025.

Veterans Residential Services of Wilson

Food needed to help supply the veterans with what they need on a weekly basis. Items may be left in the tub under the counter in Room 100 (Activity Room).

Snack Pack


We pack 35 bags a week with 2 items for each meal & 2 snacks for 2 days. Items can be left in the basket next to the Local Missions wall in the main foyer.